Is it hard to register a new company

Is it hard to register a new company

автор: adminрубрика: Business

Is it Hard to Register a New Company?

Copyright (c) 2008 Companies Now

Registering a new company no longer has to be a drawn out painful experience. You can have a company set up within 1 hour but before that you have to have information already in hand.

Before you register a company you need to do a little research to make sure it is set up right. You have to make a few decisions, then collect the appropriate information, and last but not least register.

No worries though, we can lead you right through all of this and once you have determined who is involved in your company and the structure it can take as little as a couple of minutes to have your company registered.

The first thing to do is relax. Now, do you have a business name in mind? Before completing the form if you can make sure you check to see that the name you want is available (or get your registering agent to do this for you).

Think about what your business does and what you would like it to stand for if you are having trouble coming up with a name. You should incorporate professionalism and the services or products you will be offering into your name. Make your name memorable, relevant and easy to remember (you do not want customers having to guess what it is you do).

When you know you can have the company name decide on what structure you want (in term of liability etc).

Do you want to be liable for your company; if so how liable do you want to be. Do you want to work with others that will be owners or directors in your company, and if so do you know who or how you want to operate the company? It is simple but may be a little timely but if you set up correctly from the beginning it is worth it. You should take most of your time preparing to register to focus on the structure of your company and how you will operate it (if you are unsure please consult with your lawyer or accountant).

You will have a few choices with the structure that will determine your protection and liability with the company, and then you will have the choice of how to operate. You may need to decide on the operation set up (especially if a public company) with a constitution, replaceable rules or a combination of these.

When you have all the information you can simply complete the registration forms.

You will need the names, addresses, dates of birth and city of birth of every person who will have a vested interest in the company.

This would be the owners, the directors and secretaries. You will also need the names and dates of birth of the share holders, as well as how many shares each person will start with. In addition to this you need to have the mailing address and the physical address of the proposed company.

After you have all of this information gathered and you wish to register the company yourself through ASIC you can grab the form 201 off the Internet and begin to register your new company. All of the instructions are included on the last 2 pages of the form as well as other documents you will need the fee to register. The address to send in your registration is available as well.

Or to take the hassle out of trying to register your company yourself as well as the time consuming element of doing so use a Registered Agent you can find them on the internet by searching for company formation companies or search for phrases like register a company.

Good luck on registering your new company.

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