Jilin jiangyuan to develop shale tile industry

Jilin jiangyuan to develop shale tile industry

автор: adminрубрика: Business

Jilin Jiangyuan to develop shale tile industry

Jiangyuan County, Jilin Province, give full play to advantages in resources, make full use of local rich shale soil, low-grade bauxite resources to vigorously develop the shale tile as the leading building materials industry. Of shale tile county sales market covers the three northeastern provinces and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, shale tile production line to reach 40, an annual output of 400 million watts, known as the hometown of shale tile.

Jiang Yuan County, located in the Changbai Mountain Xilu, is very rich in natural resources. In the pages geotechnical, bauxite resources in the development process, the county, the county government adhere to the collective, the individual with the principles of individual and private funds to invest a billion dollars, all new shale tiles, glazed tiles, split tiles and other building materials from the project, In order to strengthen the scientific management of building materials company has set up a tile factory Hakusan City, shale, shale tile as the leading group. Hakusan City, shale tile group on the production, marketing and development of the major issues for macro decision-making to solve many manufacturers compete for resources and mutual issues such as lower prices, parent company to take the initiative to co-ordination with the railway authorities to address the most critical marketing shale tile link — transportation problems, thereby ensuring the healthy development of the dominant industries. Only shale tile 1, and annual profit and tax of up to 50 million yuan.

The county right-rich shale soil, low-grade bauxite in-depth processing and series development, production of high-tech and high value-added products. Has developed Cai Youzhuan, glazed tiles, wall tiles, bricks and other mid-range point. Hakusan City, a tile factory by investing 30 million yuan, the new production lines on the glazed tile, glazed tile production occupation of Dalian market. In order to foster new economic growth point, the county, the county government open up investment channels, investment 52.48 million yuan, all new development projects in-depth geotechnical page 11, continued construction of the project 5. These 16 projects, when 6.05 million yuan in profits and taxes can be.

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