How to keep your pipes from freezing next winter

How to keep your pipes from freezing next winter

автор: adminрубрика: Business

How To Keep Your Pipes from Freezing Next Winter

It is inevitable that pipes freeze in winter. However, the damage can vary. Sometimes it is merely an inconvenience of not being able to run water until it thaws, but other times there is extreme damage to the property caused by flooding. While it is the cold temperature that causes pipes to freeze, a combination of frigid temperatures with high winds allow the cold to penetrate the pipes even deeper.

Virtually any pipe can freeze, but the most susceptible are pipes in the garage, crawlspaces, those in exterior walls, and basements that are left unheated. Even though it is impossible to stop freezing temperatures, it is possible to prevent pipes from freezing. Begin by disconnecting all water hoses and accessories that are located outside of the house. The hose will hold water in and cause it to freeze as opposed to letting it drain before it reaches that point.

As an additional precaution, shut off the interior valves that control the outside faucets. To prevent damage to your garage, make sure all the doors and windows are closed as much as possible. You may even consider supplying heat to the garage to keep the temperature from dropping below freezing. Just make sure you choose a safe method to do this.

Many more measures can be taken to prevent pipes from freezing inside your home where the damage will be more detrimental. First, open cabinets that hide water pipes . This will allow heat to penetrate the pipe with greater ease. Next, during frigid weather when the chance for frozen pipes is highest, allow both hot and cold faucets to drip slightly.

The risk of freezing is decreased due to the movement of water. Call in a plumbing company to clean your drains. They will remove the buildup of debris that may be causing your pipes to run slow. Under normal conditions this can be an inconvenience, but it can turn disastrous when the temperature is below freezing.

Crawlspaces and attics are not to be ignored when it comes to freezing pipes. Just as with the garage, make sure all openings of the crawlspace are closed, and consider safe heat. Also, electric heat wrap can be applied to the pipes that are prone to becoming frozen. The same ideas can be applied to prevent pipes from freezing in the attic, raise the temperature, keep cold air out, and allow the water to move.

All these precautions apply to houses that are occupied and unoccupied. Do not leave your house unheated if you plan on traveling unless your home has been winterized by a professional. Also, do not over rely on insulation. While it does slow down heat loss, it does not produce heat. An insulated pipe can still freeze if heat is not added and the water does not move.

When winter weather is upon you, consider calling a plumber to inspect your pipes. This is especially important if you have an old house. It may take a professional to adapt some of the new methods to your old building that can prevent pipes from freezing. Make sure the water in your water heater is kept at an ideal temperature to prevent freezing in such conditions.

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