Ilo: bpo conditions stressful

Ilo: bpo conditions stressful

автор: adminрубрика: Business

ILO: BPO Conditions Stressful

The International Labor Organization is out with the results of studies conducted on the BPO sector in the developing countries. The studies were conducted in countries like Argentina, Brazil, Philippines and India. The survey was carried out to find out how the call centers in these countries were functioning, with a keen eye on the working conditions and the pay that the call center agents were making.

The ILO has released the results. It states that the working conditions in business process outsourcing units in these countries are stressful. The report mentions that the BPO services executives were making more money than in the other sectors, but that is not adequate compensation for the lack of ideal working conditions.

ILO published the reports a couple of days back. It says that BPO employees in India made much more than an employee of another sector and belonging to the same hierarchy. In Philippines, the difference was even starker. The difference between the salaries was as high as 53%. The data makes no bones about the fact that the business process outsourcing industry was a place where you could make money.

No wonder, then, that many young professionals, fresh out of college, worked in call centers to earn some quick bucks. Once they complete their degrees, they promptly shifted to other career options because they cannot deal with the high-octane work atmosphere. So what are the call center stress factors listed by the ILO? Let’s check out!

Call centers work on targets. Every employee in a call center is subject to targets specified by numbers. The pressure to perform and meet those stiff daily targets gets to the employees. They are less receptive to something new or to innovations. The routine work eradicates any chances of spontaneity or thinking on fresh new lines. Moreover, the stress at the workplace is responsible for the risks of burnout.

Attrition rate is high in the call center industry because of the high-stress work environment. Beyond a certain period of time, the BPO employees are not able to continue working without feeling drained and emotionally exhausted. The aggressive caller on the other end of the line is another cause for stress. The BPO services employees freeze at the thought of surmounting that hurdle and make a successful telemarketing sale.

The ILO reports present a wonderful opportunity for the BPO units to mend their ways. It’s never too late to start afresh! The call centers have to monitor the stress levels on the employees strictly. Like they appraise performances, this is another area which needs regular appraisals. The call center agents can only perform well if they work in hassle-free offices.

As a matter of fact, targets are necessary. However, in their bid to cut costs, BPO services shed employees fast. This puts additional pressure on the employees to handle extra workload. The best way to make things easier for the employees is to inculcate that sense of belonging them. Make them feel that they are working for their own progress and the success of the telemarketing department is to be shared by all employees.

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