How to make money doing practically nothing

How to make money doing practically nothing

автор: adminрубрика: Business

How to Make Money Doing Practically Nothing

Everyone thinks the perfect job is doing nothing and getting paid for it. There are ways you can generate an income and not actively take part in the process.

Since the advent of the internet there have been countless ways of making money online. The process may take a while but if you work hard enough to set it up and have everything running smoothly, you can actually at a certain point sit back, relax, and let the money come in. Passive residual income is the way to make money without doing anything. The product that you put out a couple of times a year will allow you to relax the rest of the time.

Here is one example. Do you like to write? If so, consider writing an e-book. This is a digital counterpart to a book that has been typed and printed. The e-book is normally read on the computer and has a few advantages to the traditional printed book. The text can be enlarged for easier viewing and they take up very little space.

Choose a subject of interest to people and get creative. Most of these books are how-to books. The great thing about them is they will continue to earn for years after you sell them. This is how you can earn residual income and not lift a finger after the original selling of your e-books.

If you write one or two really quality e-books twice or three times a year this will allow you to take time off and do nothing. Well, at least the things you want to do rather than working. How to make money doing nothing suddenly became much clearer, did it not?

The best way of thinking of it is — When you work for someone 40 hours a week, once that weeks pay has been received, you will never get paid for that 40 hours again. However, if you spend 40 hours writing an e-book, you can get paid over and over for those 40 hours. When the e-book earns a residual income that is in effect what is happening.

Another way of generating a good amount of traffic to your website is to submit it to every place you can submit it. The promotion that you do now will be the traffic generator of tomorrow. Actually you will be surprised at how easily you site will get traffic. The ultimate goal that you have in mind is to establish your site or e-book or whatever you decide to do as the leading source of reliable information on this subject. When you accomplish this, the money will start to come in and you can sit back and watch it.

Traffic is what will generate your income. The more traffic, the more income you will have. Getting this traffic is up to you. The more promotions you do the better chance of getting this project up and running.

The internet is like a super highway. All the roads lead somewhere but you need them to lead where you want them to go. The traffic that you get will determine how much money you make. Many people go after this type of internet business because they feel they are in a dead end job or they need the extra money.

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