Iso 9000
ISO 9001:2000 is the standard that provides a set of standardized requirements for a quality management system. ISO 9000 is a family of standards for qua;ity management systems. ISO 9000 is maintained by ISO, the International Organization for Standardisation and is administered by accreditation and certification bodies. Some of the requirements in ISO 9001 include
a) a set of procedures that cover all key processes in the business;
b) monitoring processes to ensure they are effective;
c) keeping adequate records;
d) checking output for defects, with appropriate and corrective action where necessary;
e) regularly reviewing individual processes and the quality system itself for effectiveness;
f) facilitating continual improvement
16 Steps For ISO 9001:2000 Certification
1.Top Management must take a firm decision to implement Quality Management System based on ISO 9001:2000 standard.
2.Top Management must allocate proper resources to implement the above decision.
- Human Resources (Management Representative {ISO coordinator} & Core Team to «prepare,implement, maintain & improve» the Quality System).
- Time (minimum two to three hours per day (of core team) for initial three months till achieving ISO Certification & afterwards at-least one to two hours per week
- Financial Resources. (Fees / charges for Trainings, documentation / consultancy (if outsourced) & ISO Certification / audit charges.
3. Form a core team comprising minimum two employees from each department and appoint one member of core team as a Management Representative to co-ordinate all ISO 9000 related activities.
4. Establish a Training Plan.
- Awareness Training for all employees (as it is a team work and all employees are part of Quality
- Documentation training for core team
- Internal Auditors training, to at-least three to four members of core team
5. Implement training plan / Conduct in-house training seminars or send your employees to attend open house training seminars for above mentioned training seminars.
- Awareness Training for all employees
- Documentation training for core team.
6.Review the Existing Business Systems in your organization in comparison with ISO 9001 requirements. (Gap analysis exercise)
7. Formulate Quality Policy [Guiding document] and Quality Objectives [functional / departmental targets / goals]
8. Formulate Six Mandatory Quality Procedures required by ISO 9001:2000 standard.
9.Formulate other Quality Procedures (QP), process flow charts (QFC), departmental work instructions (WI) & other documents required to conduct the company operations and complete the «Quality Manual».
10. Implement the Newly established «Quality Management System» from a planned / fixed date.
11.Arrange for «Internal Quality Auditors Training» to at-least three to four members of Core Team. (Develop Self Assessment Capability)
12. Conduct first Internal Quality Audit. (After a gap of at-least 30 days from the date of implementation of system).
13. Make Application for certification to Certification Body
14. Conduct first Management Review Meeting and then call Certification Body for conducting on-site audit of your Quality System.
15. Initial Audit / Assessment by Certification Body and receiving «Recommendation Letter», (like a provisional certificate) at the time of closing meeting.
16.Receive original Certificate from Certification Body. (normal time frame — within 21 to 30 days from date of recommendation letter)