How to stop procrastination from holding you back

How to Stop Procrastination From Holding you Back

Most people think that procrastination is just an annoying or funny habit. They might joke that they have a mile-long to-do list or a stack of books that they never get around to reading. Those examples would be a very mild form of procrastination — but it can get much more serious than that.

Procrastination can destroy your life if you let it. It can cause financial problems, relationship problems, health crises, and more.

The causes for procrastination are numerous, but here are three of the most common ones:

1. Believing a task will ‘take too long’, so you keep putting it off until you have more time.

2. Believing a task will be too difficult, so you keep putting it off until you feel ready to handle it.

3. Waiting for a ‘better time’ to tackle a task, such as waiting until you’re not so stressed, or your life circumstances have quieted down, or waiting until you have less demands on your time.

Have you ever procrastinated because of these reasons? Most people have. But the problem arises when:

1. You never have more time.

2. You never feel ready to handle it.

3. A better time never arrives.

What then? The task never gets accomplished, and conditions continue to get worse as time goes on.

There is one simple way to deal with all three of these procrastination habits: do a little each day!

One major theme runs through all three of those causes above, and that is that you don’t believe you have what it takes (time, ability or resources) to complete the whole job. And maybe you really don’t. But can you do SOME of it? Can you work on it for a few minutes at a time?

In most cases, the answer will be yes.

The greatest way I’ve ever found to overcome procrastination is to push myself to get moving on something — even for a few minutes. I’ll set an egg timer for 15 minutes or so, and promise myself that I can stop after that if I want to.

Once the 15 minutes are up, however, I no longer feel the need to procrastinate. I’m making progress and feeling good about it.

Try it yourself and see the difference!

And remember, procrastination cannot hold you back if you make it your mission to take action — even if only for a few minutes each day!

Know about insolvency and liquidation services

Know about Insolvency and Liquidation services

Any business is started with the aim to make profit from its commercial activities but sometimes a business house fails to meet its monetary commitments due to the mishandling of financial means and lands into deep problems. All the commercial activities become stagnant without the proper provision of finance. Apart from the mishandling of finance, there are other reasons responsible for the failure of the operation and one of them could be not getting the settlement from the debtors. The company has diverse obligations to run its operation successfully by paying salaries to the staff, paying to their suppliers and paying for the services obtained from the various sources. But due to the constant financial shortage leads them to declare their total inability to pay anything and as a result the huge debts piles up to be settled. The situation comes to a point where the owners of the company don’t see any other alternative then to declare insolvency and the role of insolvency practitioner starts from this point. There are many insolvency practitioners offering diverse types of insolvency services and are one of the most reputed and trustworthy name in the field of offering insolvency service. They are well connected with all the courts and familiar with the complete legal activities. Their approach is simple and positive result oriented. Their professional team is consisting of expert lawyers and accountants who are specially trained to find out the exact cause of the failure of the company. First of all they investigate through the auditing the accounts books and other financial transaction and come to a right conclusion. If the insolvency is to be declared due a huge unsettled financial recovery from the debtors then they would put their best efforts to call an urgent meeting of all the debtors on behalf of the client and ask them to settle the due payment at earliest explain them the present financial condition of their client. Once they agree to pay within certain time limit then the insolvency practitioner would contact all the suppliers, explain them the situation and request them not take any harsh legal action or stiff follow up and assures them of the settlement of their outstanding. Thus the insolvency practitioner becomes the bridge between the customers and their creditors. The main task of any reputed insolvency practitioner is to save their client declaring the insolvency as once the insolvency is declared legally; it would be very difficult for a business house to restore their reputation again into the market. Even the plead the case in the court asking for some tax relief for their client till the client acquire the healthy financial position again.

If it doesn’t make you happy then why are you doing it

If It Doesn’t Make You Happy Then Why Are You Doing It?

I’m sure that you have often heard people complaining about their life and about all the things they have to do that they don’t like doing. Perhaps you have even been guilty of this yourself on occasions. Let’s have a look at how you can change those unwanted patterns for good.

Life is full of choices and possibilities. It is impossible to do everything and so we have to have some system for deciding what we do and what we don’t do. This seems like common sense but in reality most people don’t have any system for choosing.

If you don’t have a system for choosing what to do or what not to do then you will end up as the victim of someone else’s system. You have lost control of your life and you have lost control of your potential for happiness.

Notice that in any group of people, whether it is a family, a social group, a workplace, or some form of club or organization, you always find that a few people do most of the work and some people contribute nothing at all, and get away with it.

If you are one of the contributors you may feel that the others are being unfair or lazy. The reality is that you are allowing yourself to be a victim and you can choose to no longer do that.

Here is a 5 step process for regaining control over your quality of life and your own happiness.

Step 1: Establish a Basis for Choosing

If you are going to develop a system then you need to establish a basis on which to evaluate your choices. The basis you use will go a long way toward determining whether you make good choices or bad choices. For example if you choose on the basis of guilt or a sense of responsibility then you are choosing for reasons that don’t necessarily enhance your life and so your choices are unlikely to contribute to your sense of happiness.

A healthy basis for choice making is whether or not the option that you choose will enhance your life and make you happier. If it will then choose it and if it won’t then don’t choose it.

Step 2: Increase Your Options

Even though the world abounds with possibility most people end up making choices between a very limited set of options. Often this set does not include any options that you really want to do. The problem is not that you don’t have good options; the problem is that you are limiting the possible options and by doing that you are not including your good options.

Make a habit of looking outside the box. Make a habit of asking yourself what other possibilities exist. If you take the time to brainstorm options you will be surprised just how many possibilities there really are. Keep brainstorming until your options include a number of possibilities that you like.

Step 5: Make a conscious choice

Once you have established your basis for choosing and brainstormed for more possibilities it is time to actually make a decision and choose. This is where you have to draw on your strength of character and stick to your criteria for choosing.

Resist the temptation to say «yes» to something you don’t want to do just to keep the peace. You are not keeping the peace by doing that. You are severely damaging your own inner peace. When you want to say no then say no. It may take some practice but saying no is the way to get that practice.

Your responsibility is to yourself and your own happiness. That means that in the case of choosing what you do and what you don’t do, your responsibility is to consciously make your choice according to the criteria that you set in step 1.

Step 4: Evaluate the Outcome of Your Choice

No matter what you do in life you should always evaluate your outcome to see what you can learn about the system that you are using. In this case you are evaluating your outcomes to see if they are meeting the objective you set in step 1.

Step 5: Improve Your Choice Making System

If your choices aren’t producing the outcomes that you want then maybe you need to modify the way you are making those choices. Over time you will develop the criteria that work best for you.

A word of warning though. Never sacrifice your long term happiness for the promise of short term peace of mind. The price for that short term peace of mind may be that you fail to achieve true happiness and self fulfillment in your life.

Investing in florida and las vegas preconstruction real estate

Investing In Florida and Las Vegas Preconstruction Real Estate

So you are interested in investing in the lucrative Florida and Las Vegas preconstruction real estate markets but you don’t know where or when to buy. Then this article is for you. We will show you what to watch out for in this once in a lifetime opportunity. The first thing is to do your due diligence and find the right real estate brokerage, be sure that this brokerage deals with preconstruction real estate investing …

Preconstruction real estate investing is the safest and fastest way to make a healthy return on your initial investment. What is really important to remember is that very few companies deal with preconstruction and even fewer deal with a large selection — here’s why:

  1. Less Money — While the investor makes more money from a preconstruction, investment brokerages usually make a smaller percent on preconstruction because they are in such high demand from serious investors. This is why you’ll hear so many brokers say it is impossible to get preconstruction unless you have the connections. Trust me, no one can get you on the list.

  2. Too Much Time — In order to sell preconstruction investment real estate in Florida you have to constantly research new up and coming developments that are not advertised anywhere. This can take many hours a week calling and researching the market and because the projects are all word of mouth brokerages need connections in the industry to get in on the stellar projects. Many Las Vegas and Florida brokerages just don’t have the man power to do the research or the connections in the industry to find all these hidden gems.

  3. Timing Timing Timing — Preconstruction real estate investing is a very fast moving market… If you wait even a day to move on a project chances are you?ve missed out on the development and this frustrates many new agents and causes them to drop out of preconstruction.

  4. Delayed Payment — The number one factor on why most brokerages don’t sell preconstruction investment real estate is because it takes so long to get paid compared to traditional projects. Because agents are selling units so early before development starts; payment is significantly delayed, in fact payment can be delayed for up to two years… This is also why many brokerages only deal with a small handful of preconstruction projects (If any). By only offering a small amount of projects the Las Vegas and Florida brokerages can negociate quicker payment on those projects and push them hard even if they are not in the best interest of the client.

  • The Bottom Line

    Bottom line is in this industry you have to be very careful who you invest your money with. Many companies have their needs above the clients and because this is such a big ticket sale many companies don’t need referrals or returning customers to stay profitable.

    Remember, when searching for Florida investment real estate chose a brokerage that has a large selection of both preconstruction and phase one projects and doesn?t pressure you into one of their flagship developments where they make a higher percent off the sale.

    If anyone ever has a question about a specific preconstruction project or development in the Florida or Las Vegas area feel free to contact me first and I will give you my honest advice on ANY project.

  • Kinderbetten 100% genuine

    Kinderbetten 100% Genuine

    A good bed gives you comfort and support, suiting your particular needs and preferences. Most beds consist of a mattress and a supporting frame, but the mattress is the key to your comfort. It has several elements. First comes the cover, or ticking, which keeps everything together. Then follow layers of padded upholstery to cushion you and permit body moisture to escape. The third section, which supplies the support and firmness, usually contains tempered steel coils or springs. There are various sorts of interior support, but as a rule, the more springs there are and the thicker the wire used, the better the support. A favored alternative nowadays is the polyurethane or latex foam mattress ; it is lighter than the spring interior.

    However , a good mattress only works really well if it has got a acceptable base, usually the one for which it was designed. A divan bed is sometimes sold as a set, with a mattress and base. Its deep-sided, boxlike foundation acts as a large shock absorber, allowing the mattress to respire and so significantly lengthening its life. Another option is the bedstead. It usually has a slatted base and is open underneath, affording good ventilation for its suitable mattress. Solid slats provide a firm foundation, while sprung slats are way more flexible.

    What must you keep in mind when buying a bed? A secondhand bed will have absorbed people’s sweat and skin scales and will be full of dust mites that might set off allergic responses, asthma, or eczema. It also may not agree to health or safety standards.

    Before you shop for a new bed, it is recommended that you set your concerns,eg price, health issues, or overall size. Attempt to set aside masses of time to go to stores with a good reputation, and ask for as much information as possible about each bed or mattress. Since beds are typically dear, do not let yourself be rushed into a call.
    you may find it harder to make the best choice if you are tired. Wear cosy garments. Do not feel self-conscious about testing a bed. Take off your coat and shoes and lie down on each bed for a short while. Try diverse sleeping positions, paying special attention to the support given to your shoulders, hips, and lumbar region

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