How to stop procrastination from holding you back

How to Stop Procrastination From Holding you Back

Most people think that procrastination is just an annoying or funny habit. They might joke that they have a mile-long to-do list or a stack of books that they never get around to reading. Those examples would be a very mild form of procrastination — but it can get much more serious than that.

Procrastination can destroy your life if you let it. It can cause financial problems, relationship problems, health crises, and more.

The causes for procrastination are numerous, but here are three of the most common ones:

1. Believing a task will ‘take too long’, so you keep putting it off until you have more time.

2. Believing a task will be too difficult, so you keep putting it off until you feel ready to handle it.

3. Waiting for a ‘better time’ to tackle a task, such as waiting until you’re not so stressed, or your life circumstances have quieted down, or waiting until you have less demands on your time.

Have you ever procrastinated because of these reasons? Most people have. But the problem arises when:

1. You never have more time.

2. You never feel ready to handle it.

3. A better time never arrives.

What then? The task never gets accomplished, and conditions continue to get worse as time goes on.

There is one simple way to deal with all three of these procrastination habits: do a little each day!

One major theme runs through all three of those causes above, and that is that you don’t believe you have what it takes (time, ability or resources) to complete the whole job. And maybe you really don’t. But can you do SOME of it? Can you work on it for a few minutes at a time?

In most cases, the answer will be yes.

The greatest way I’ve ever found to overcome procrastination is to push myself to get moving on something — even for a few minutes. I’ll set an egg timer for 15 minutes or so, and promise myself that I can stop after that if I want to.

Once the 15 minutes are up, however, I no longer feel the need to procrastinate. I’m making progress and feeling good about it.

Try it yourself and see the difference!

And remember, procrastination cannot hold you back if you make it your mission to take action — even if only for a few minutes each day!

How to sell your home in a lousy economy

How to Sell Your Home in a Lousy Economy

They say in today’s economy it is a buyers’ market and I agree. I also believe that

you can Purchase Real Estate in Any Economy, good, bad or ugly. So how can you

sell your home in this economy faster and for more money?

The secret is twofold:

1. Prepare your home for sale.

2. Get a realtor.

Preparing your home for sale just makes common sense when you stop and think

about it. Your home is on display from the curb (known in the industry as “Street

Appeal”) and from the moment you enter your home.

The realtor that you choose to work with should have a checklist of what needs to

be done and what has to be done before the “For Sale” sign goes up on the

property. There are home staging companies that specialize in preparing your

home to sell. With the help of these “Home Stagers” they can save you way more

money than your total dollar investment is in them.

Selecting the right realtor is a crucial step. He or she will be ultimately responsible

for marketing your property and negotiating the best possible price and terms.

When choosing a realtor check out their website (more and more purchasers use

the web everyday for finding properties) for content, pay close attention to their

testimonials and Bio page. Do they use video? Before you hire, get to know them.

You do not want any unpleasant surprises down the road!

Selling your home will require work on your part as well as the realtor. When

appointments are made for showings or open houses, your home, your property

must show at its very best. You may not get a second chance. When your home

stands out from your competition it will sell faster and for considerably more


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