How to start your own baby food business part #4: understanding your market

How to Start your Own Baby Food Business Part #4: Understanding your Market

Understanding your market is critical. As early as possible, before you launch your business, I encourage you to survey moms in your area to learn about their values, buying habits, and infant feeding rituals. An easy way to do this is to use an online survey tool (there are dozens out there) to create your survey. Then send an email to all the moms you know, post a notice on a local mommy message board, or send an email to an online Yahoo! Groups community that is targeted to parents.

Not only will this help you learn about your target market but it will give you valuable data that you can use when discussing your business with the local media.

Here are some of the questions and answer options that we used for the first Sprouts Baby Food survey years ago.

How old is your baby?

Which of the following best describes you?

Stay-at-home mom

Working mom

If you are a working mom, which of the following best describes your childcare support?


in-home childcare/nanny

daycare center

family member

Are you concerned about food allergies?



Does your baby have any food allergies?




Did you breastfeed your baby?



How long did/do you plan to breast feed your baby?

0-3 months

4-6 months

7-9 months

10-12 months

13-18 months

19-24 months

2+ years

How old was your baby when you began feeding him/her solid foods?

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months

12 months


Why did you begin your baby on solids?

Advice from doctor

Advice from book

Advise from website/web forum

Advice from family member

Advice from another mom

Baby seemed ready


Which of the following is most often your source for feeding and childcare information?



website/web forum

family member

other moms

Did your doctor give you enough information to help you feel confident about making feeding decisions for your baby?



What is the most frustrating thing about introducing new foods to your baby?


Which best describes the food that you most frequently give your baby?

Home-made baby food

Traditional store-bought baby food (jarred)

Organic store-bought baby food (jarred)

Organic store-bought baby food (frozen)

Pureed table foods

Catered baby food (such as Sprouts)

Do you regularly give your baby formula?




Which of the following baby food brands do you most frequently use (please check all that apply).

n/a ‘ I don’t give my baby commercial baby food

Gerber Baby Food

Heinz Baby Food

Beech Nut Baby Food

Earth’s Best

Gerber Organic

Organic Baby

Homemade Baby

Bohemian Baby

Happy Baby


Mom Made

Evie’s Organic Edibles

Plum Organics

Healthy Times

Bright Beginnings

If you DO NOT make your own baby food, please give us the reasons why. (check all that apply)

n/a ‘ I make my own baby food.

I think store-bought food is as good as what I could make at home.

I would like to make my own baby food but I don’t have the time.

If you DO make your own baby food, please give us the reasons why. (check all that apply)

I think that fresh is the best.

I like to choose my own ingredients.

I think that store-bought baby food contains a lot of sugars, starches, and fillers.

I don’t like that store-bought food is made to sit on store shelves for 2+ years.

Store-bought food lacks variety.

Is price a factor when feeding your baby?

No ‘ I want the best for my baby, no matter what the cost.

Not really ‘ I’ll pay more for better quality foods.

Kind of ‘ It depends. Sometimes.

Yes ‘ We are on a budget and can’t afford to spend a great deal of baby food.

Yes ‘ I just don’t believe in paying a lot for baby food.

Do you read the ingredient labels on baby food in the store?

n/a ‘ I make my own baby food.


Yes, always

Yes, but only for baby food

If yes, what are you looking for on the labels?

On average, how much do you pay for baby food (per jar)?

$.10 — $.49

$.50 — $.99

$1.00 — $1.49

$1.50 — $1.99

$2.00 — $2.49

$2.50 — $2.99

$3.00 ‘ more

How much would you pay for quality, freshly-made, organic baby food?

$.10 — $.49

$.50 — $.99

$1.00 — $1.49

$1.50 — $1.99

$2.00 — $2.49

$2.50 — $2.99

$3.00 ‘ more

On average, how many jars of baby food do you purchase each week?








Before having a baby, how many times did you eat out per month?

3-5 times per month

1-2 times per month

Once every 2 months


After having a baby, how many times do you eat out per month?

3-5 times per month

1-2 times per month

Once every 2 months


Since having a baby, is «kid friendliness» (kid menu, high chars, toys, etc. ) a key factor when choosing a restaurant?



Would you be more likely to frequent a good restaurant that had healthy, organic menu selections for your baby?



When dining out at a restaurant do you…..?

Bring baby food along

Feed the baby off of your plate (mashing something up)

Order something off the menu for the baby (then mash it up)


Additional comments on dining out with your baby.