How to decide on a good watermark for note pad printing

How to Decide on a Good Watermark for Note Pad Printing

A watermark is a good and subtle filler for the empty spaces in notepads. You must however always choose your watermark image with care so that it doesn’t ruin the appearance of your notepads. You don’t want to send a bad watermark for note pad printing, discovering that it renders all your notepads barely usable. Below are some tips that should guide you on deciding the correct watermark to use for your notepads.

Look for clear uncomplicated designs: One of the general rules for watermarks in color notepads is that they must be clear, simple and uncomplicated. It must not have too many details, that can clutter up the look of the notepad even though it is just a watermark. So never attach a watermark with too many intricate details, curves and objects. Most especially try to avoid watermarks with distinct dark design elements that can really hamper the way you read and write words in the notepad. You can do this by choosing watermarks with a nice large homogeneous color area. This can be something like the sea, the sky, a wall or something similar. Alternatively you can enlarge your logos and other objects so that the empty spaces between their design elements can serve as empty spaces as well for better notepad writing and reading. Doing this should assure your notepad of a large and workable space for writing notes.

If possible match the color with your notepad theme: Also, please do not forget to match the color of your theme to the dominant color of your watermark. They should compliment each other rather than clash. Bad color clashes with the watermark and notepad header design can really make notepads look bad. Aim for that coherent theme with all your notepad elements. So if you have red logos and text, why not have a pinkish or orange watermark to compliment it. If your dominant notepad header color is black and white, why not try a nice gray scale image as the watermark? By doing your watermarks this way you should make your notepads look like a complete and well thought of printed work and not a clashing piece of art.

Use something that reinforces the note pad’s use: Another good tip for you watermarks is to use images that reinforce the note pad’s primary use. For example, if the notepad is a doctor’s prescription pad, the watermark can have images of medicine on it. This is just so that people can immediately identify the piece of paper as a medicine prescription pad even from afar. You can do this for your other notepads like reminder notepads, task post it notes etc. It should really be a great addition to the overall design of the notepads.

Those should be enough tips to guide you in choosing the correct type of watermarks for your color notepads. If you get simple, color-coordinated and useful images for your notepad printing, you should have no worries at all at the end product. You will assuredly have well made notepads with watermarks that improve the design and not hamper the note pad’s use.