Lapel pins – a great way to market your cause

Lapel pins – a great way to market your cause

автор: adminрубрика: Business

Lapel Pins – A Great Way To Market Your Cause

Lapel pins are an effective marketing method for several reasons.  They’re inexpensive, both to produce and sell. That makes it easy to distribute them far and wide to promote your cause. They’re generally attractive, giving them a jewelry-like appeal that makes them easy to wear and hard to ignore.

Because they’re small, lapel pins are a subtle marketing tool. They’re not as «in your face» as some marketing techniques. A lapel pin invites others to ask the wearer what it means.  That allows for a more nuanced explanation of the cause the lapel pin represents.

With the popularity of ribbon lapel pins, first introduced in the 1990s, people have come to associate lapel pins with social causes. Programs ranging from breast cancer awareness to poverty eradication efforts are now represented by a ribbon pin of a specific color.

Flag lapel pins too have their place. For most, an American flag lapel pin represents a statement of patriotism and support for U.S. troops. Yellow ribbon pins also stand for support for the enlisted men and women fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Lapel pins are an excellent motivational tool for businesses. Employees appreciate knowing that their hard work is valued by their employer. A lapel pin, presented publicly, whether as a reward for outstanding job performance or reaching a specified number of years on the job, helps boost morale.

Trading pins are booming in most youth sports. Long a staple of Little League Baseball, trading pins are now popular among players of many other sports, including hockey, soccer, basketball and football. Even academic competitions such as Destination ImagiNation and Odyssey of the Mind now feature trading pins.

To sum up, lapel pins are versatile ways to market a cause, denote membership, recognize outstanding performance or even just to mark a fun adventure. There’s a lapel pin that’s appropriate for just about any purpose under the sun.

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