Ivybot review / ivybot scam

Ivybot review / ivybot scam

автор: adminрубрика: Business

IvyBot Review / IvyBot Scam

What is IvyBot?

The IvyBot originally comes from a forex robot created to automatically open and close trades. The robot was doing fine and many people used to trade forex using Forex Auto Pilot until one day this software impressed a group of forex gurus while researching why robots fail to make profits in real live trades.  In 9 weeks of hard work and research the team was able to create the new IvyBot robot software, and was released for public after 2 years of back testing.

The Risk in using Forex Robots

In 2 years of testing the IvyBot was able to deliver 9,645 Total Trades and was 95.9% Winners with only 0.35% Drawdown. Later the team made many live tests on the system by investing their own money and also by releasing it to a selected group of people to test it. All the test results were positive and people were able to double, triple, and even quadruple their deposit in one month.

The Idea of using Forex Robots is not new, it was used by large banks’ forex departments from early times; however it was not released to public use until recently. There are too many scams in the forex robots’ market, but I found Ivybot  to be the most popular and effective software. The software is 100% automated and easy to setup and work with, one of the best things in IvyBot is that it uses HSPS and BILP technologies to prevent and deal with any loss possibility. Also you can start trading with as little as $1.

The software is backed by a 60 day money-back guarantee period, which means that it can be easily enforced by any unsatisfied trader since the payment is processed by Clickbank.

Click here to Buy And Download IvyBot

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