How to build your ambit energy business online

How to build your ambit energy business online

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How To Build Your Ambit Energy Business Online

Ambit Energy is a resller of electricty and natural gas. The company offers retail customers discount priced natural gas and electricity services and claims to be able to save you up to 27%.. Not only are there huge savings to be had there are potential huge profits for the clever MLM marketer.

Amit Energy’s compensation plan is straightforward. Sign up 3 people who are interested in helping people save money on electricity and gas energy service bills and aid them obtain 10 customers each. Repeat this process six levels deep and you could earn in excess of $30 000 a month.

Check out the table below as an illustration:

To make big dollars with Ambit you’re going to need to assemble a big team. The more quality reps you can sign the more lucrative your business will be but herein lies the snag for the average Ambit network marketer.

Ambit teaches it reps to market savings to family and friends. Build a business around assisting people you know save money is the message. This is excellent for Ambit but for reps to achieve success and make serious money they need to extend their marketing beyond their warm market. Without fresh leads network marketing businesses start to die After a while early successes are a thing of the past as more and more reps drop off and your business slowly dies

The secret to Ambit success is to ignore the warm market strategy of Ambit and seek out hot leads who are already interested in network marketing opportunities. Online everyday there are over 1 million people searching for ways to make money. These people are already exploring network marketing opportunities meaning if you can somehow get your Ambit opportunity in front of them you stand a good chance of making sales and signing up downline reps.

In saying that you need to understand that there is a right way and a wrong way to present your business opportunity. Marketing directly to a uniform company replicated website is not the thing to do, it has a low success rate A much better strategy is to position yourself as an MLM and Ambit Energy leader online and use attraction marketing to draw people to you. This is the marketing strategy employed by the top leaders in over 200 network marketing companies.
If you’re wondering how to position yourself as a leader online its not that difficult. Set up a personally branded website marketing you. Offer free information, advice, tutorials, reviews, basically anything of value to people searching for network marketing opportunities and/or help. Once you have got them to your website you need an autoresponder system to capture their email addresses and get them on your marketing list. As soon as people opt in they’re on your list and you can get to work on providing value and creating trust. Once trust is established people will take a genuine , serious look at your Ambit opportunity.

Brand and market you first and introduce your opportunity later. People join leaders so position yourself and the sales nd sign ups will follow. Present quality information with real value for free and you will soon have 1000’s of visitors coming to your site regularly, opting into your lists and buying your products.

How do I know this, because in the last three months I have drawn more traffic to my site, captured more leads and made more sign ups than I did in a whole year using warm marketing strategies..

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