Ibm cog-310 test

Ibm Cog-310 Test

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Web Demo:
1. When users cannot access a TM1 application, the application developer should ensure the host process is correct. Which of the following is the host process?
A. TM1 data server
B. TM1 admin server
C. TM1 web server
D. TM1 local server
Answer: B

2.Which of the following element properties is used to perform subtraction within the dimension hierarchy?
A. Weight
B. Format
C. Attribute
D. Aggregation
Answer: A

3.Why would a developer create a consolidated element?
A. To display comments in a cube.
B. To apply alternate names to an element.
C. To store numeric data.
D. To calculate an aggregation.
Answer: D

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In paris, art is no longer abstract for kids

In Paris, Art Is No Longer Abstract For Kids

Paris has been described as anything but a place for kids: a city for lovers, a cultural Mecca. Yet you may be surprised to find out how prepared the French capital is to entertain children. Even in what is considered to be an adult activity, touring museums.

At the Louvre Museum, the largest museum in the world and a must-see in Paris, kids aged 4 and up can take part in one of the many children’s workshops.

The Mus?e d’Orsay (Orsay Museum), which has one of Europe’s best collections of impressionist art, is another example. Each Sunday throughout the summer, the museum organizes games, mimes and storytelling for children 12 years old and under. The program is designed to teach children about the masters, such as Monet, Renoir, Degas, Van Gogh and Toulouse-Lautrec.

At one such event, the Orsay museum organized a card game called Jeu de l’oie or the Goose game. Kids are divided into teams. Each team is given several cards, which correspond to a work of art. Cards in hand, the children search the museum for the masterpieces.

When the Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art inaugurated the exhibition entitled J’en r?ve or I dream, which included the work of 48 young artists from around the world, it also organized several activities for kids. At one event, Camille Henrot, one of the artists, reworked her film by drawing and scratching on the negative. Children participating in this workshop created their own works of art.

While many of the activities are conducted in French, language is unlikely to prove a barrier to participation. For example, instruction is only a small part of Learning to Create Glasswork, a children’s activity offered at the Mus?e National du Moyen Age (Middle Age Museum).

But there are other ways to making learning fun at museums in Paris. Rent audio guides designed specifically for kids and available in several languages. Take a family tour, often times conducted in a language other than French. Or organize a private guided tour for your family.

Many museums in Paris, such as the Louvre, are free for kids under 18 years of age. Avoid long lines, buy a Museum Pass valid for up to 1, 3 or 5 consecutive days, and visit more than 70 museums and monuments in and around Paris.

Pick up a copy of Objectif Mus?e, available at Paris museums, or Paris-?le-de-France avec des Yeux d’Enfants published by the tourist office. Both are in French only. Objectif Mus?e lists all scheduled activities for children organized by the state museums while Paris-?le-de-France avec des Yeux d’Enfants lists fun things to do with kids in Paris.

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How to find good companies to work for

How to Find Good Companies to Work for

When you are between jobs your primary concern is whether or not you will be able to find a job which will give you comparable compensation to your last job or higher financial rewards in order to pay the bills, the last thing in our minds is paying attention to the details of the positions we apply for.

Often times we hear that people quit their jobs because their boss was a jerk, the payment was too low or there was just too much work/pressure. Actually, there is a long list of reasons why people quit their jobs, lets take a look at some of them:

— Your boss demands that you work harder, for longer periods of time in order to pick up the slack of one or more co-workers.

— Your boss is always tense and gives you a hard time.

— Your boss promotes someone who has less experience than you.

— Management shows favoritism among employees.

— Your boss doesn’t explain goals appropriately and when things are done in a different way they reject the work done which may lower your morale or hurt the feelings of those who took their time to prepare it.

As you can see most people quit their jobs because they have problems with management, in other words they quit their management not their jobs. Being able to manage people requires more than a degree, it takes «people skills» which can keep workers happy and increase their productivity at the same time. There is nothing worse for an employee than having a boss which is always in a bad mood and may be hard to talk to. These jobs are too hard for people to hold on to so they decide to move on.

If you are hunting for a job, the best way to determine of the person who is interviewing you could be a good boss is by turning the job interview into a conversation. Many people will be nervous during the interview but you have to remember that you will be spending most of your time with the person who is talking to you, so if you feel this person is tense or if you have the feeling that people who work at this place may be unhappy, it might be good to drop the position and apply somewhere else.

Another way to find out if management are is good is by asking questions to people who already work at this company, if someone is unhappy because X or Y reason, they are very likely to tell you why. Remember that if you put yourself in a situation where your boss is a real problem you may be hunting for another job sooner than you expected it, so take your time during the interview and try to get a good idea of the type of person(s) you will be working with, there is nothing better than working with people you can invite to your home or call friends.

Institute for independent business executive consultants service business demand

Institute For Independent Business Executive Consultants Service Business Demand

It is no coincidence that in times of business and economic hardship, business owners turn to outsourcing of executive consultants to service their business demand.

Even though most business owners are content to circle their wagons in times of a credit crisis, some of the more proactive entrepreneurial business owners tap into the expertise of executive consultants to drive them out of crisis.

To service business demand during an economic downturn, one has to consider the race for the business growth and expansion finishing line does not have many participants.

This means there are many opportunities waiting to be grabbed by canny business owners. Before any business owner considers retaining the services of any executive consultants to service their business demand they should conduct due diligence. Sadly many executive consultants talk the talk, but in reality very few can walk the walk when hired to service business demand.

Many executive consultants are simply not trained or qualified to conduct strategies designed to grow businesses.

Part of any business owners due diligence should be to identify if their intended executive consultants are actually qualified and current to pass on their business skills. This is often a hurdle that many business owners struggle to scale.

One of the very best indications that executive consultants have indeed graduated from a professional business training programme is to ask if they are an accredited associate of the institute for independent business or the IIB as it is known in business circles. Approximately 5,000 executive consultants have graduated from the IIB residential business school during previous years.

Another method for business owners to check an executive consultants credentials is to check to see if they are a member of a professional business consultancy organisation or trade body. The institute for independent business IIB maintains a membership platform for all of its executive consultants.

The bonus for business owners is that the IIB membership maintains a strict code of ethics which every business consultant member has to adhere to. This ensures that all executive consultants maintain an ethical approach to all their business support activities.

It is worth mentioning that the institute for independent business, or to give it its correct title the institute for independent business international is a not for profit body. I have worked with several IIB executive consultants who are all either self employed business consultants or executive consultants working for other consultancy companies.

Another bonus for business owners utilising the outsourced consultancy services of IIB executive consultants is that they maintain high levels of continuous professional development CPD by attending monthly regional institute for independent business international meetings and quarterly IIB national CPD.

The industry of business consultancy is growing despite the current recession and business owners are hiring qualified executive consultants to service business demand.

The International business guru graduated from the institute for independent business several years ago and is now a Fellow of the IIB. He suggests there are a number of regional institute for independent business groups in many countries around the world making this business consultancy network one of the most professional networks in the world today.

Consultancy Tip for Business Owners Conducting Online Research:

Open up your internet search engine browser and type in any of the following phrases, the institute for independent business, institute for independent business international, the institute for independent business, institute for independent business iib, institute for independent businesses or simply IIB into Google or any other search engine to identify articles and information posted about the IIB online.Every business oiwner will benefit from the available online information.

It’s interesting that frequently when one searches for the IIB, it is not uncommon for people to spell it incorrectly into their search engine. A quick check reveals that even when spelt incorrectly like, institute for independant business into Google it still indexes a number of these results every month.

A simple slip at your keyboard to include an extra i in iiib, delivers a whopping 18,000 page references from Google’s global monthly search volume.

Worldwide businesses and business owners facing hardship in the current economic downturn are seeking executive consultants from the ranks of the institute for independent business, known globally as the iib. The iib executive consultants service business demand by providing business support & advice to managing directors & business owners in most countries around the world.

The iib executive consultants are in business demand partly because they constitute a professional business fraternity dedicated to providing business owners with valuable business support at affordable prices.

The institute for independent business iib global headquarters are located in Watford, England in close proximity to London. Many other countries are representatives of the institute independent business international and large groups of iib executive consultants assist business owners in America, Australia, South Africa, the Middle East and most European countries.

When iib consultants service business demand, it is only after the most rigorous selection criteria and professional testing, followed by personal interviews at the iib HQ to ascertain one’s professional business status.

Once prospective business executive consultants have been identified and passed the initial selection procedures, the institute independent business iib senior management officers invite the candidate to the iib HQ for a 1 week intensive executive consultants specialised residential training course.

Every one of the trainee executive consultants has to pass this iib training programme before they are permitted to call themselves executive consultants who have successfully graduated from the institute for independent business International residential training school.

It is this very strict selection process reinforced by a rigorous residential business training programme that entices business owners, and produces business demand for the fully trained and qualified executive consultants.

A not for profit business organisation, the institute for independent business and its approximate 5,000 registered executive consultants continue to grow and service business demand for International business owners.

How to be a soloist in business yet have the power of many brilliant and great minds

How to be a soloist in business yet have the power of many brilliant and great minds?

The path of an entrepreneur is never easy. Building a business is taxing to the mind, body and soul. Emotionally, the journey is like a roller-coaster ride with its crazy ups and downs. Physically, you have to spend a great deal of time working on your business, sacrificing spare time to exercise or to rejuvenate. And not to mention spending less time with your family and loved ones.

Does this resonate with you? I am sure it does. Most entrepreneurs are facing with these pressing problems and are unable to find a solution to turn this around. You become frustrated, you resort to working harder by putting more hours into your business and the results remain as frustrating as before.

To turn this around, to really starting working on your business and not in it, you have to learn the art of leverage over a business coach and mastermind groups!

Coaching and mastermind groups complement each other extremely well. While a coach serves to provide a mentor-student relationship, a mastermind group provides peer-to-peer support. And this leads to numerous benefits that will give you the edge over your competitors. There are 3 major benefits that you ought to be aware of.

Open-source Creativity

The business world changes as rapidly as the software world. In the open-source coding revolution where the source codes of softwares are openly shared, softwares evolved rapidly. Programmers are able to improve, adapt fix bugs at lightning speed, which adds massive value to the software. Similarly, a mastermind group is like the open-source revolution. By sharing ideas, knowledge and experience within a mastermind group, and leveraging on a coaching as a sounding board, you are able to develop new ideas from your existing core ideas, success will begin to expound exponentially.

Mastermind group levels the playing field.

The business battle field is never equal. You got to be keenly competitive to start and build a thriving business. And this requires you to develop your core expertise but at the same time, develop multiple skills and knowledge databases. Mastermind group empowers you to do so with much more ease. A meeting of minds from a diversified field of expertise adds perspective, depth, experience and knowledge to the person being masterminded. The only requirement is that you have to be receptive, and become a dry and thirsty sponge ready to absorb the input. Leave the analysis to a later time. Do this and you can level the playing field in a much shorter time.

Coaching builds up confidence and competence.

Individual coaching is an example of situational leadership at work. It aims to mentor one-on-one building up the confidence of members by affirming good performance during regular feedbacks; and increase competence by helping the member assess his/her strengths and weaknesses towards career planning and professional development. Depending on the individual’s level of competence and commitment, a leader may exercise more coaching behavior for the less-experienced members. Usually, this happens in the case of new members. The coach does more hand holding at the beginning with the mastermind group members but gradually exercises less clearly defined instructions as the mastermind group builds up confidence and competence.

Bill McCartney once said, ‘All coaching is, is taking a player where he can’t take himself.’ Both coaching and mastermind group serves this purpose and that is to take a business owner to a higher level of thinking and maturity and his business to more profits.

So if you are working alone or planning to do so, why not leverage such that you shorten the learning curve and increase your chances to grasp success earlier?

About the Author

Joel Chue
Expert Author in the topic Mastermind groups

How Can Ordinary People Leverage a Mastermind Group System to Produce Extraordinary Results Over and Over Again?

A Free 24 page Report Shows You How

Copyrights © 2006
Joel Chue @

Mastermind Group Hub
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