How to locate excess inventory products for profit

How to locate excess inventory products for profit

автор: adminрубрика: Business

How to Locate Excess Inventory Products For Profit

These days, technology is developing at such an extremely rapid pace that it is next to impossible for most people to keep up with all of the latest advancements. Advanced versions of all types of electronic devices are being put out on the market almost as quickly as consumers can purchase the previous models. As a result, many small products and components are becoming considered obsolete because they are being replaced by better, smaller, faster and more efficient models.

Electronics manufacturers are continually working on new models for various devices. However, consumers typically tend to stick with one model for at least a few years (depending, of course, on the particular electronic device) before upgrading or switching to a different model or version. Yet manufacturers cannot afford to keep an inventory of every electronic component for every electronic device they have ever manufactured on hand for their customers. Although that would be in the best interests of their customers, it would simply be far too costly to keep a large enough storage facility to hold these parts.

What happens to the excess inventory?

The excess inventory becomes regarded as surplus electronic parts, and most manufacturers have no interest in keeping them around unnecessarily unless there is still a great demand for them. These are parts for the earlier models and versions of electronic devices that are not currently being manufactured. The excess inventory is typically sold at a surplus electronic parts outlet.

Surplus electronic parts outlets are distributors that specialize in offering electronic parts in large lots or at discounted prices. They sell all types of electronic components for all types of electronic devices.

Manufacturers contact one of these large scale surplus distributors, either by phone or online. A representative visits the manufacturer and does an on-site inventory of the electronic components that are available for sale. Then, an offer is made. If the manufacturer accepts, the distributor arranges for the electronic components to be transported from the manufacturer’s facility to the surplus outlet where the parts are sold. Usually, the surplus electronic parts are sold online as well.

Surplus Electronic Parts Distributors

Surplus electronic parts are electronic parts in large quantities that are offered at discounted rates at distributor outlets. These surplus distributors exist specifically to offer electronic parts in large lots for cheaper prices and to bring hard-to-find or obsolete electronic components to companies that need them.

One of the most experienced and most well-known excess inventory and surplus distributors is Freelance Electronics. The company has been in business since 1986. Located in Southern California, Freelance Electronics has worked with some of the biggest electronic manufacturing companies in the world. Some clients include Motorola, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon.

Many manufacturers prefer to work with larger, more known companies like Freelance Electronics because they provide the manufacturer with more exposure. When the manufacturer’s excess inventory is available at an electronic component distribution company like Freelance Electronics rather than one of the lesser-known companies the manufacturer knows that its customers will have easy access to any and all necessary electronic parts needed for any of their devices. Inexperienced companies may not be as easy to find or as easy to deal with. It is important to treat customers right so that customer loyalty is kept strong.

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