How to find good companies to work for

How to find good companies to work for

автор: adminрубрика: Business

How to Find Good Companies to Work for

When you are between jobs your primary concern is whether or not you will be able to find a job which will give you comparable compensation to your last job or higher financial rewards in order to pay the bills, the last thing in our minds is paying attention to the details of the positions we apply for.

Often times we hear that people quit their jobs because their boss was a jerk, the payment was too low or there was just too much work/pressure. Actually, there is a long list of reasons why people quit their jobs, lets take a look at some of them:

— Your boss demands that you work harder, for longer periods of time in order to pick up the slack of one or more co-workers.

— Your boss is always tense and gives you a hard time.

— Your boss promotes someone who has less experience than you.

— Management shows favoritism among employees.

— Your boss doesn’t explain goals appropriately and when things are done in a different way they reject the work done which may lower your morale or hurt the feelings of those who took their time to prepare it.

As you can see most people quit their jobs because they have problems with management, in other words they quit their management not their jobs. Being able to manage people requires more than a degree, it takes «people skills» which can keep workers happy and increase their productivity at the same time. There is nothing worse for an employee than having a boss which is always in a bad mood and may be hard to talk to. These jobs are too hard for people to hold on to so they decide to move on.

If you are hunting for a job, the best way to determine of the person who is interviewing you could be a good boss is by turning the job interview into a conversation. Many people will be nervous during the interview but you have to remember that you will be spending most of your time with the person who is talking to you, so if you feel this person is tense or if you have the feeling that people who work at this place may be unhappy, it might be good to drop the position and apply somewhere else.

Another way to find out if management are is good is by asking questions to people who already work at this company, if someone is unhappy because X or Y reason, they are very likely to tell you why. Remember that if you put yourself in a situation where your boss is a real problem you may be hunting for another job sooner than you expected it, so take your time during the interview and try to get a good idea of the type of person(s) you will be working with, there is nothing better than working with people you can invite to your home or call friends.

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