How to create your very own information product that sells like crazy

How to create your very own information product that sells like crazy

автор: adminрубрика: Business

How to Create Your Very Own Information Product That Sells Like Crazy!

First, let’s talk about why information products are the way to go for your home business.

* Information products are quick and easy to create.

* They can be physical or digital (allows you to customize your business to your lifestyle).

* You don’t have to keep an inventory.

* They are perfect for freebies, which you use to grow the most important part of your business…your list.

* Most importantly, they can be tailored to fit or solve any situation or problem.

So, How Do You Create An Info Product?

1. Every product you ever create should solve a particular problem that people are ALREADY looking for a solution to. For more details go to So, firstly, you must find a topic (problem) that people are ALREADY searching for a solution to. This problem must one that you are familiar with or someone you know or can work with has overcome, and one that you or that person has empathy for.

2. Then, create an outline or a list of questions that you will address in the info product that will solve the problem for the reader. Basically, let them know that you understand where they are, you’ve been there, this is how you felt when you were there, this is how you got out of the problem, and how they can too quickly and easily. (Remember, you don’t have to be the expert, you can contact someone who is and ask them to answer these questions in an interview.)

3. Flesh out the outline using text, audio, or video. It DOES NOT have to be some long dissertation. A simple 7-30 page report will do. Take out all the fluff, get right to the point and solve one particular problem for one specific group of people. YOU can’t be all things to all people. Later on, if you want to solve more problems, then you can create more products.

4. Upload it to the Internet, your server, using a simple ftp program like Smart FTP.

5. Create a sales letter, upload it, and put in the payment buttons and «viola». Now, you’re ready to start driving traffic.

Don’t make product creation any harder than this. I don’t care what other people say…

…And remember it’s all a test. You can also go to you don’t know whether this will or wont sell 100% for sure, but if you follow these steps, you can be pretty dog-on close.

The product doesn’t need to be perfect; it needs to be done. Later, if you start seeing some sales, then you can make the adjustments that need to be made, if any. You’ll be surprised how all that «other» stuff that people tell you that matter, Doesn’t!

If you are creating a product that is a solution to a problem that people are desperately seeking an answer to, they don’t care what it looks like, they just want the answer…and they want it NOW!

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