How templates can help and hurt brochure printing

How templates can help and hurt brochure printing

автор: adminрубрика: Business

How Templates Can Help And Hurt Brochure Printing

If you are considering brochure printing, then you may be tempted to use templates for your layout and design.  After all, the entire process of brochure printing from inspiration to printed product can be overwhelming, particularly if it is your first time.  There are definitely some positives to using a brochure template, but there are also some negatives to using one as well.  Here are some elements that you will want to consider before using a template for your brochure printing.

The Positives of Using Brochure Templates

One of the main reasons that people decide to use templates when printing brochures is because templates can save you a lot of time.  If you are under a deadline to get the brochure printed and distributed, then you may not want to waste time looking for a designer and undergoing the lengthy process of creating a unique and original brochure for your project.

Along similar lines, brochure templates can also help you to save money.  Your brochure printing company may even have some templates that are free to use, particularly if you use the same company for your printing needs.   Many of the design programs that you may already use may also include brochure templates that you can edit for your needs.  And even in the cases where a fee is charged to use the template, it is still more affordable to pay that than to hire a private designer.

Lastly, brochure templates are easy to use.  Even if you have never done brochure printing before, or you need to get one done quickly, you can still have a professional looking product.  All you have to do is drop in your own pictures and text, and you have beautifully designed brochure.

The Negatives of Using Brochure Templates

One of the big downsides of using a brochure template is that it will limit the creativity of your brochure printing.  Therefore, if you are hoping to create a design that will make your brochure stand out from all the others in the rack, then this will be difficult to accomplish using a template.

Secondly, the use of a brochure template could cause people to think that they have seen your brochure before, and they may toss it without reading it.  Some brochure templates are so overused that it can cause your brochure to appear just like everyone else’s design.  Therefore, if you decide to use a brochure template, you will need to make adjustments to ensure that your brochure stands out in other ways using the pictures, headlines, and copy.

Keep in mind that brochure templates are used to create the design for you.  These should not be confused with guideline templates, which are given to you by your printer.  A guideline template can be laid over the final design to make sure that you have met all the size and bleed requirements needed for a successful printing.  These guideline templates are often used regardless of whether you are using a custom design or a premade one and can be a useful tool.

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